
¢Ã Organization
- - Operation of the Project Team
- - Increase in capability, and setup of the network
- - Management consulting
¢Ã Commercial Strategies
- - Foundation of a profit-making corporation
- - Market research
- - Formulation of marketing strategies
¢Ã R&D and Quality Control
- - Standardization of black ginseng products and development of the production process
- - Development of new products
- - Design development and trademark registration
- - Safety inspection on black ginseng products
¢Ã Construction of Processing Facilities
- - Construction of producing facilities for black ginseng products
- - Supplment of the producing facilities
- - Construction of strong facilities for GAP ginseng
¢Ã Marketing
- - Public relations / advertisement
- - Operation of a mall
- - Holding of sales promotion at home and abroad
- - Operation of an agriculturism program with a village that processes black ginseng